Dear DeVerse players,.

Dear DeVerse players, 💗 We got many suggestions, inputs and encouragement along with bug reports for DeVerse in the last 7 days, thanks to you all! We do appreciate your efforts and support! We've been improving and fixing bugs you mentioned these days as many of you already noticed. And we will keep doing so to provide a better game experience in DeVerse for you.:muscle: 🗒️After reviewing the feedback collected from Battle Style and Time Preference survey, we decided to adjust battle style from 10v10 to 5v5 from 6pm-10pm UTC 2/28/2022. 📒And please note that our current internal test will last till the coming Sunday 10:00pm UTC 3/6/2022. 👀 We will announce the bi-weekly winners during this internal test period later. And the remaining of the winner rewards will be accumulated to the next round pool. 🧑‍💻We hope to provide a better, more smooth playing experience version of DeVerse in the next round. The schedule for it will be announced later. We will keep you updated with the announcement. During the interval to the next version of DeVerse, we will keep fixing bugs and optimizing the game. We will also filter out contributors who helped us the most with the improvement to DeVerse and award them with a @🏆 champion role in the community and $DEVT voucher to acknowledge your valuable work and love to us. Please kindly wait for our announcements for the winners and new role holders in the coming week. Also, we will have more community events coming soon. 💪Please stay tuned!